
Coordination of Renewable Energy Generation Project

Assisting in the various activities associated with RE projects such as EPA licences, CRU authorisations and DCCAE policies is at the core of this work.

Independent Evaluation of Erasmus + Project

This evaluation was carried out in line with the commitment of the Erasmus + project partners to the funding organisation.  The evaluation was commissioned by the lead partner, Good Energies Alliance Ireland (GEAI)

Funding Application Coordination

We are currently working with Drumshanbo Enterprise Centre and Drumstrand Allen Centre on Training Network and Social Enterprise Applications

Our climate change & energy policy course continues 


Climate Change & Energy Policy Course

This was designed based on the results of our 2016 Making the Connection report.  We realised that people know that energy use habits have to change and really want to participate and be involved but they have very little knowlegde of the reasons behind the need for change.  This course addresses that information gap.

Funding Audit for Energy & Climate Change Projects

This research examined the availability of funding programmes for energy and climate change projects.  It included Global, EU and Irish funding as well as other sources such as crowd-funding.  Crowd-funding is growing in popularity in the UK to assist local authorities in their quest for 'matched funding' when they apply to programmes that require a certain percentage to be sourced by the applicant.  Whilst 'crowd funding' has been used widely for businesses and charities, this new take on it is called Civic Crowd Funding.  A guide to civic crowdfunding has been published in the UK.  Since our client was a local authority, this was very relevant to their proposed projects. 

Contact us for further information about how you can achieve funding for local/county projects.



Making the Connection: Linking Macro-Energy Challenges to Micro-Energy Behaviour

This is an all-island (reflecting our all-island energy market) research project supported by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland as part of the call for energy efficiency research 2016.

The study asked 1,000 members of the public about their energy behaviour and the connections they make between how they use energy and big picture issues such as climate change and energy security of supply.  

The rural dimension of this lies in the fact that renewable energy projects are almost entirely rural-based with associated infrastructure spanning all parts of the country.

Because of the complex nature of some parts of this study, two reports have been written.  One is extremely informal in style and entertaining to read.  The second report is formal in style and aimed at the energy sector including policy makers, government, and industry.


Scoping Study of Economic Development in Killybegs, Co Donegal

This was a local research project for Donegal Co. Council carried out with key stakeholders in various socio-economic elements of Killybegs.  These included food, energy, tourism and education.  

For further information on this study please email info@ruralpolicyhub.ie

Energy Awareness & Public Consultation

This was a nation-wide study albeit with a relatively small sample size.  It was carried out for Donegal Co. Council in preparation for the design of energy awareness material for that county.

For further information on this study please email info@ruralpolicyhub.ie

Skills Audit for the Upper Shannon Erne Region

This was an economic research project for the Upper Shannon Erne Economic Forum.  It examined the types of skills available in the region with a view to attracting relevant industry and the promotion of job-creation.

For further information on this study please email info@ruralpolicyhub.ie