Chapter 7: Enabling the Vision



Enabling the Vision is the final chapter in the consulation paper for the new National Planning Framework Ireland 2040.  This chapter addresses how the planning framework will or should be implemented. 

Need commitment and structures in place for the implementation process to be effective.

Must know the how who what etc.  This is important especially because:

“…geographical and organisational boundaries of the organisations central to achieving the goals of the NPF rarely coincide with everyday patterns of living, working, and travelling to access services…Legislative support backed up by wider political and institutional commitment is central to ensuring that the NPF will influence public policy…” (p50)

The statutory process for NPF implementation will be included in the Planning and Development (Amendment) Bill 2016.

Structures are necessary to ensure budgetary support will be forthcoming and must be complemented by detailed strategies at the following levels:

  • Regional
  • Local
  • Sectoral
    • Transport
    • Energy
    • Housing

Regional assemblies will draw up and adopt regional spatial and economic strategies (RSESs) to ensure regional and local implementation.  The 31 local authorities are critical in NPF implementation because they shape communities.

Cross boundary issues must be considered and other elements that don’t easily fall into place with NPF elements.

Key Policy Considerations

  • Inter-departmental drive (Government)
  • Administration structures to respond to ‘real world’ issues
    • RSESs
    • Cross local authority within regional authority structure
    • Strengthened legislation basis for LA cooporation / planning
    • Marine and North South and East West dimensions
    • Investment
    • Monitoring and policy feedback

There must be a balance between national / regional  and local so that there is not a repeat of competing regions/counties/ towns etc

Consider capacity of current structures to achieve goals of the NPF


Key Questions

  1. Are there common goals that can be identified and applied to every place?
  2. What are the barriers to implementation?
  3. How can sustainable outcomes be recognised and rewarded?
  4. What levers are necessary to deliver efficient implementation?
  5. What should the key indicators of success of the NPF be?


This concludes The Rural Policy Hub National Planning Framework Ireland 2040 consultation paper blog series.